Shakespeare Sturdy Stik Big Water Rods
Shakespeare Sturdy Stik Big Water Rods
Shakespeare Sturdy Stik Big Water RodsShakespeare Sturdy Stik Big Water Rods
Item #:shakespeare-sturdy-stik-big-water-rods
Starting at:$24.99
Availability:Usually ships in 5-7 business days
Shakespeare Sturdy Stik Big Water Rods

Shakespeare Sturdy Stik Bigwater Boat Rods
*Here is a series of rods built to take on big fish wherever you go after them.
*Shakespeare sends you out to the big water with a rod that won't let you down.
*These are tough rods made with the famous Howald Process™ and blank-through-handle construction for superior strength and sensitivity.
*Durable EVA foam handles and graphite-reinforced reel seats with stainless steel hoods add durability.
*Sturdy Stik Rods have Durable Stainless Steel guides with ceramic inserts to prevent line abrasion, an epoxy coating to protect from UV rays, and extremely tough Carboloy tip tops.